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Foundation Drupal 7: Learn how to use the Drupal framework

Foundation Drupal 7: Learn how to use the Drupal framework

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Drupal can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes to code a feature-rich web site, for free. Drupal is a content management platform that can power all kinds of web sites from simple online brochures to more advanced sites that include social networking, blogs, e-commerce, and business portals. It is free, open source software that allows anyone to quickly and easily build web sites.

Its full range of modules including user permissions, security mechanisms, JavaScript menus, WYSIWYG editors, and more: helps create the foundation for a powerful web site. Combined with its templating system (and a few tips and tricks), any graphic design file can be used to create a Drupal web site.

This book covers everything you need to build Drupal-powered web sites quickly. It explains in simple terms how Drupal works, and it provides concepts, tips, and code snippets for every step of the development process. A 200-plus page reference manual and cookbook is included.

  • Helps web designers of all technical abilities create Drupal-powered web sites from start to finish
  • Gives an overview of Drupal concepts and several contributed modules necessary to understand and leverage Drupal
  • Describes the process of building and hosting Drupal web sites, including server administration, design tips, theming, system updates, and more

What you’ll learn

  • How to get started using Drupal 7 and reduce the amount of time it takes to code a feature-rich web site
  • How Drupal works, including best practices to quickly integrate Drupal into every web site you design
  • How to configure a server and manage multiple web sites and testing environments using popular server administration software (cPanel) and a code repository (Subversion)
  • How to place Photoshop or Illustrator design files on a Drupal content management system (CMS)
  • How to create a foundational CMS that can be used across multiple web sites
  • How to use popular Drupal modules, web site recipes, code snippets, and more

Who is this book for?
The primary audience for this book is web site designers throughout the world interested in using Drupal to build web sites. The audience may have previous experience using Drupal but do not consider themselves proficient. They are familiar with coding a basic HTML/CSS web site, although these skills are not required to benefit from the book.

The secondary audience for this book is freelance Drupal developers who actively use Drupal to build web sites. They are proficient developers interested in reducing development time and learning Drupal best practices.

Price: $26.39

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