ShowMe Guides for Open Source Commerce Programs
Managing an Online Business with osCommerce by Kerry Watson covers everything a NON-technical manager of a new online store needs to know to manage the day-to-day operations of your newly-built online store. Whether you are JUST THINKING about an online store, have your online store UNDER CONSTRUCTION, or already have your online store OPEN FOR BUSINESS… YOU NEED THIS BOOK.
ShowMe Guides for Open Source Commerce Programs is about planning, organizing, managing, operating and refining an online store. If you are still thinking about online store, it includes a special section on managing a website project and technical people. SPECIAL: JUMP-START GUIDE FOR NEW STORES Bonus guide on using the private Administration area of your new store in osCommerce, CRE Loaded, Zen Cart, osCMAX, Magento, Cube Cart or CartXpress.
Price: $26.95
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