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EM Payment Shield - Premium Magento Order Protection Extension

EM Payment Shield Magento Order Protection Extension

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Block order processing, require paypal account owner’s confirmation before completing order, hold on order for a period automatically, if the criteria matched such as customer’s IP address, email address, paypal address. It is only compatible with Magento Commerce Community Version (Free Version) 1.4.0.x, 1.4.1.x and higher.

em payment shield config


  • Block order processing from specific IP or a rang of IP.
  • Block order processing from specific customer email address.
  • Block order processing from specific Paypal address.
  • Ability to strictly block processing order or allow to process order but set order status as Pending for Fraud Review.
  • Ability to issue confirmation email to Paypal account owner to require verification before order status set to Completed.

Price: $99.00

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