The Firestorm Blogger Template for Personal, Photography sites
Category: Premium Blogger Templates | Developer: Theme Forest - Blogger
The Firestorm is a premium Blogger template that is suitable for personal blogs and photography sites. It comes with a responsive layout that fits any screen resolution. Developed with HTML5, this theme has several well-styled native Blogger widgets + variety of custom features.
- Fits any screen resolution (on mobile devices view template via native Blogger mobile version)
- Resizable layout and resizable elements (images, videos, blocks of content, contact form etc)
- Sliding full-screen width background images with Ken Burns effect for homepage
- Resizable full-screen width static background image for all pages apart homepage
- Two sliding panels: for search field and audio player Custom search
- HTML5 audio player
- Twitter widget
- Google Docs based Contact page
- Variety of well-designed and semantically coded extra elements: message boxes, two types of quotes, two types of image gallery, social icons with rotating effect and more
- Custom archive page
- Well-styled native Blogger widgets: Follow By Email, Popular Posts, Labels
- Disqus comments widget
Price: $17.00
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Tagged with: blogspot blog template , blogspot blog theme
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