Hotec - Responsive Drupal Theme for Hotels, Spas and Resorts
Category: Premium Drupal Themes | Developer: Theme Forest - Drupal
Hotec is a sleek and clean responsive Drupal theme suitable for your spa, resort and hotel websites. This theme comes with a beautiful layout with responsive design that works with all screens and devices.
- Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
- 4 Homepage versions included
- HTML5 and CSS3 Tableless Design
- Working Contact Form
- Working Resservation Form
- jQuery Enhanced: Portfolio, Rooms, Gallery Filtering
- Built on DrupalExp Framework
- Drupalexp Drag & Drop Layout Builder
- Advanced Theme Options
- Block Animation
- Dexp Portfolio
- 500+ Google Fonts with Preview Capability
- Unlimited Colors
- Dexp LayerSlider included
- 8 Predifined Colour Schemes
- Event List and Event Calendar
- Compatible Browsers: IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Included documentation
Price: $58.00
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Tagged with: drupal hotel theme , drupal travel theme , responsive drupal theme
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