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Synonymizer - Wordpress plugin to make your content unique

wp synonymizer

Synonymizer is a great plugin for wordpress to make your blog’s content unique automatically. This plugin modifies the content by using the synonymns and make them look less like duplicate content.


  • Easily create alternate versions of any article.
  • Make news feeds more unique.
  • Automatically insert specific HTML, Javascript or PHP code into your posts.
  • Automatically insert anchor text links for keywords or phrases you specify.
  • Automatically modify any post made by popular auto-blogging software like RSS2Blog or WP AutoBlog.
  • Get access to our huge bonus list of 65,000 synonyms!
  • Works with latest wordpress versions 2.8.4+
  • You can use this plugin for unlimited no of sites

Price: $97.00

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$20 discount on all products from Mass Automation Tools. Use the coupon code '48H20' when ordering. Please remember to enter the coupon *twice*: once in shopping cart and once in Google Checkout before confirming payment.

Offer Valid only for 48 hrs (Apr 13 and 14th)

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