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Video Gallery Wordpress Plugin with YouTube, Vimeo Support

Video Gallery WordPress Plugin is the most advanced stock gallery that works with WordPress! A custom admin panel prepared for the gallery. Feeds from self hosted videos, videos hosted on s3 amazon, youtube, vimeo, images, vimeo or even audio


  • easy install purchase, download the zip, access your WordPress Admin Menu > Plugins > Add New > Upload zip and thats all! Go to Settings > Zoom Video Gallery and start adding videos.
  • two skins choose from Complete or Light skin for every gallery you setup
  • iPhone/iPad compatible this plugin generates html5 videos if the visitor is on an iToy
  • full of choicesset up the gallery just by inputing your YouTube user/playlist in the ‘feed’ tag of the xml file. all descriptions/titles/thumbs/videos will be feeded directly from YouTube so you won’t need to write anything other then that
  • hybrid it can be a video player / example in the preview
  • reusable for flash import: easy guide in the documentation, for html import: just copy/paste a single code, no plugins required

Price: $17.00

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Remember: CodeCanyon offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.

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