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Virtual Silo - Easily Organize your blog structure into a Silo

Virtual Silo WP Plugin

A Silo is a way to organize your website or blog’s internal linking structure to direct and control the flow of PageRank and authority throughout the site. It organizes your pages so they follow a natural LSI-type progression from the broad topic home page, to a niche topic category page, and finally to the specific topic post page. The importance and authority of each page is increased by the related page linking to it.

Here’s how a Silo structure looks

Silo chart1

Virtual Silo enables the average blog owner to get the most benefit from a Silo structure without the headache and frustration that goes along with manually converting your site.


  • Instantly convert your standard blog into a traditional silo structure. No manual editing of your blog source or themes is necessary.
  • Select how you want PR and Authority to be distributed thorughout your blog. You can choose to allow PR to flow down from the home page into the post pages. Or you could direct the PR back to your home page.
  • Easily select which external links you want to pass PR to. You can specify if you wish to pass PR and authority to your blog roll, comments and urls within posts as well.

Price: $57.00

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$20 discount on all products from Mass Automation Tools. Use the coupon code '48H20' when ordering. Please remember to enter the coupon *twice*: once in shopping cart and once in Google Checkout before confirming payment.

Offer Valid only for 48 hrs (Apr 13 and 14th)

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