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WP Content Aggregator - Automatically add customized content to your blogs!

WP Content Aggregator will auto-publish WP Posts based on your search keywords.

  • The plugin is based on several well-known API which are used to retrieve content from the Internet, based on keywords and filters.
  • These various contents are then automatically ‘aggregated’ in a new post which is published by the plugin on your WP blog.
  • Interestingly, the ‘integrity’ of individual contents is preserved with ‘quote’ blocks while the added-value resides in the content aggregation methodology.
  • You can choose how often you want the plugin to run (once per hour, per day, etc), select the number of posts you want to publish and manually review each new post or let the plugin run automatically.
  • Post templates can be edited in order to give you flexibility to customize the ‘look and feel’ of your posts.
  • Similarly to Auto Social Poster, the content plugin requires the ionCube loaders to be installed on your server. There is a limit to the number of auto-created posts, although the limit is expected to be set at a high enough level to accommodate active bloggers.


10,000x – $49.00 (The license is valid up to a max of 10,000 posts)

100,000x – $99.00 (100,000x The license is valid up to a max of 100,000 posts)

200,000x – $149.00 (The license is valid up to a max of 200,000 posts)

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$20 discount on all products from Mass Automation Tools. Use the coupon code '48H20' when ordering. Please remember to enter the coupon *twice*: once in shopping cart and once in Google Checkout before confirming payment.

Offer Valid only for 48 hrs (Apr 13 and 14th)

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