Hiker Responsive WordPress Photography Theme
Category: Premium Wordpress Themes | Developer: Theme Forest
Hiker is a responsive photography WordPress theme built for photographers. This theme centers all the attention on the photos so that your visitors would not be distracted. Hiker theme includes a drag and drop builder for your homepage grid. You can just drag and drop portfolio items, blog posts or your own custom blocks to build your homepage.
- Fully Customizable homepage grid
- Fully Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Visual Composer Page Builder
- Translation Ready
- SEO Optimized
- Layered PSD files included
- Demo Files included
- One Click updates
Price: $50.00
Theme Forest is the best place to buy cheap Premium Wordpress Themes. It has 3000+ WordPress themes in its market place and you can sign up here. View all of the templates from Theme Forest here.
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Tagged with: responsive wordpress theme , wordpress photography theme
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