Sting Responsive WordPress Magazine Theme
Category: Premium Wordpress Themes | Developer: Theme Forest
Sting is a modern, clean and fully responsive WordPress theme suitable for magazine, news, editorial and blog websites. This theme is packed with tons of features and unique widgets. It comes with two different homepages, unlimited color option, user ratings, 16 custom widgets, lightbox images and more.
- Logo, favicon and apple touch icon uploader
- Semantic, clean, valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Multi Level Dropdown Menu
- Responsive Slider
- Widget-ready sidebar and footer
- Built-in image cropping
- Lightbox images
- Captcha Spam filter support for Contact Form
- SEO Optimised
- Built-in related posts
- Built-in social sharing
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Properly commented and formatted source code
- Extensive Documentation
Price: $45.00
Theme Forest is the best place to buy cheap Premium Wordpress Themes. It has 3000+ WordPress themes in its market place and you can sign up here. View all of the templates from Theme Forest here.
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Remember: Theme Forest offers $2.00 Discount when you prepay money to your account before purchase.
Tagged with: responsive wordpress theme , wordpress magazine theme
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