BuddyPress For Dummies
Get your buddies together with BuddyPress and create your own social community. Got a cause, a hobby, or some other obsession you can’t wait to share with a like-minded community? BuddyPress is the buddy you need to get that community started. Here’s how to get BuddyPress up and running on your WordPress Web site and use its free tools and themes to host a social network devoted to your pet projects, right on your site.
- Full court press  start by obtaining a Web hosting provider and installing WordPress, then install and configure BuddyPress
- It’s your domain  register your domain name and use FTP to transfer necessary files
- Member options  explore BuddyPress features for creating profiles, avatars, and community friendships
- Growing with the group  integrate members’ blogs, set up member groups, and add discussion forums with BuddyPress
- Custom Buddy  expand BuddyPress themes, personalize them with CSS, and learn how to create your own
- It’s on the wire  promote community interaction through wire postings for individuals or groups
- Gather the gang  integrate Twitter®, Facebook®, Flickr®, YouTube®, and other social media into your community
- Go farther  discover third-party plugins that add more options
Open the book and find:
- Cool things you can do with a BuddyPress site
- Requirements for a hosting environment
- Where to find and download free themes
- What you can do with widgets
- Ways for members to create and manage their own forums
- How member avatars are used
- Tips on using member group features
- Ten BuddyPress sites to check out
About the Author
Lisa Sabin-Wilson has been developing and designing with WordPress since 2002. She eagerly embraced BuddyPress as an additional tool for the clients of her blog design company, E.Webscapes Design Studio. Lisa is a regular speaker and panelist at blogging conferences, including SXSW and WordCamps.
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