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Wordpress: An Incredibly Powerful Blogging System! A+

WordPress: An Incredibly Powerful Blogging System! A+

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What is the so special about WordPress? WordPress is your simple and easy way to set up a blog with minimal programming requirements. WordPress gives you a plethora of themes, theme resources, and the ability to use images, and various blog designs and layouts. I can elaborate all day about the basic features and benefits of WordPress, but I have to admit that most of us use WordPress for one simple reason. We use WordPress to make money. This ebook will show you how!

WordPress continues to release quality versions of their already stable product as well as extend users’ capability to produce quality websites. WordPress also has a community theme viewer that allows you to view hundreds of new themes produced by other programmers. This gives the user the ability to see what others have dreamed up. WordPress is a quality product that allows you with very little knowledge to assemble, and deploy a beautifully complex website with little technical knowledge, and experience. The user gets the ability to use various themes and templates to make a professional impact on his/her user community. WordPress is an awesome tool. If you are not using WordPress to build your websites then you are spending a lot of time doing work you don’t have to do.

Table of Contents
Wordpress basics
Why WordPress (v Blogger)
How to install a WordPress blog
Wordpress templates
Best free template resources
Best paid-for template resources
Wordpress plugins basics
Wordpress plugins how to install
Wordpress plugins best free resources
Wordpress plugins best paid for resources
One step Beyond!

Author(s): Manuel Ortiz Braschi

Kindle Price: $2.99

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