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X-Cart Follow-up Autoresponder Module from MagneticOne

Follow-up Autoresponder for X-Cart

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X-Cart Follow-up Autoresponder is a complete automatic email follow up system, to get your store marketing to next level.

When someone makes order, requests information from your store, web form, newsletter or whatever, your autoresponder software will send out a preset reply instantly and then follow up with the new prospect with emails sent at timed intervals you set- hours, days, weeks – you decide.
Make life easier, maximize your profits and save time – by putting your marketing on auto pilot with Follow-up Autoresponder.
What X-Cart Follow-up Autoresponder can do for you:

  1. Up-sell a customer: Instantly suggest related product, killer deal or discount to the customer while he is shopping
  2. Provide After Sales Service: Follow-Up with your customers after closing a sale to make sure they’re happy with what they have purchased
  3. Send Customer Enquiries/Surveys/Polls: Request more detailed customer feedback when they really use the product they bought from you
  4. Send Motivational Messages: Keep up your relationships with customer, don’t let them forget you
  5. Repeat Sales: Once you’ve provided so great experience to the customer you can expect increased loyalty and more sales as a result

Follow-up Autoresponder features:
It has even more then you need, really.

Advantages of Follow-up Autoresponder over ANY other hosted/standalone autoresponder service:

  1. Advanced Personalization: You will be able to insert any customer field in your email (10 fields), This information is DYNAMIC, i.e. if customer change his details – he will get UP-TO-DATE information, always
  2. Previous Order Details: What was ordered, product names, prices – any order fields, If customer will make second order – information will change – always UP-TO-DATE Great for customer surveys
  3. Recommendations based on Previous Orders: This is the killer feature, your future killer advantage!. You can include products that are recommended to buy with the products that customer already ordered (i.e. cross-sell, related to the products that customer already ordered), customers who bought this also bought etc.
  4. New, Unique Products: Recommend New Products, EXCLUDING the products he already has
  5. Messages are based on Customer Actions in the store
    Send separate follow-up messages after:

    • customer opens account in store – yes!
    • customer fills contact form – yes!
    • customer makes FIRST order – yes!
    • customer makes SECOND order – yes!
    • customer does ACTION that you define – yes!
    • order status changed – yes!
    • customer abandon cart without checkout – YES!


Follow-up Autoresponder for X-Cart

Price: $189.00

View Demo & Buy Now

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