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X-Cart Sales Channel Analysis Module from MagneticOne

X-Cart Sales Channel Analysis

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X-Cart Sales Channel Analysis gives you the ability to analyze and streamline your comparison shopping marketing strategy. One tool for all comparison shopping and export analysis needs.

What Sales Channel Analysis gives You:

  • Ability to Analyze – the outcome each comparison shopping engine campaign for you. You will see number of clicks, orders (and more) per each sales channel therefore see the revenue
  • Detailed Real-Time Reporting – validate comparison shopping engine results easily. No more Cost Per Click fraud, you have advanced reporting down to the product level
  • Save Money and Make More Money, by adjusting what products to place at each comparison shopping engine

More details on Sales Channel Analysis:

Now you have great instrument to measure each sales channel (comparison shopping engine/export feed). You can see how many potential customers came to your store from every particular sales channel. Use these results to validate comparison shopping engine campaigns’ outcome – you don’t need to just belive them anymore – validate every click to save your money in a long run.

You can see how many orders were received from these visitors and lot more…..


X-Cart Sales Channel Analysis

Price: $49.00

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