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Resourceful Mobile Design Tips For A Sustainable Business Solution

The inevitable meteoric rise in the mobile industry since last decade has revolutionized businesses of almost all sectors. This has greatly impacted the user behavior as it can be observed that most of the users prefer their mobile devices over desktop to access the Internet. In fact, the analytics have depicted that a whopping number […]

How to Add WordPress Custom Post Types to RSS Feed

WordPress Custom Post Types are very useful when you plan to build a CMS type of website using WordPress. If you have used “register_post_type” function to create your own post type then you might need to add your posts to RSS feed. Here is how you can add your custom post type to rss feed. […]

How to add Custom Post Title to Your WordPress Feeds

Do you want to display a different post title in your feeds for your WordPress blogs? You can easily achieve it by just adding a custom function to “functions.php” file in your theme’s folder. No need for any additional plugins. This example use All in One SEO plugin’s post title for Feed Posts title. //Add […]

E-commerce with WordPress – Useful Tips to create Shopping Cart sites

WordPress shopping cart plugins comes with so many interesting and unique features that one can have a complete WordPress website with it. They help the users to turn their online shop into a highly functional online shopping website and that too in a short span of time. The WordPress shopping cart plugins comes with user-friendly […]

Advantages of WordPress – All the users would agree with

Apart from the basic functionality features and benefits such as ease of installation and administration, there are lot many advantages of WordPress that are to be noticed. WordPress is an open source base and thus it can be easily used and run for performing the various customization chores. Looking at the features that WordPress possesses […]

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