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RoomBooker will help you organizing the timetable for your ‘buildings’, ‘rooms’, classes and so on. A ‘room’ can be many things like books in the library, PCs in auditory, seats in the theater and etc. You configure each element from the back-end step by step and your staff members use it from the front-end to save you from headache of doing every booking yourself.

Here you can edit, save and delete a booking only if you’re its owner or have the back-end access to the site. If you attempt to delete a recurring booking you will be asked to confirm the removel of this booking only or all the recurrings as well. You can configure the component in such a way that only staff members will be able to perform operations with bookings.


  • Single Usage – $59.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $79.00

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E-portfolio comes with advanced access control will let a user decide who will be able to read and comment his joomla portfolio. There are many configuration features like the ability to upload files to portfolio, calendar and events by users and others.


  • Professionals wanting to have their own advanced blog with features such as forum and calendar
  • People looking for job to list their CV’s
  • Students and graduates having their portfolio ONLINE to be visible for teachers, parents, CEOs, etc.
  • Anyone who wants the worls to know who they are, what they do and have already done


  • Single Usage – $59.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $89.00

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JKayako bridge

JKayako bridge

JKayako bridge component provides almost full synchronization between Joomla and Kayako profiles with Community builder support without any changes of core files. Imagine how easily you can install the bridge to your Joomla site, how easily you can upgrade it and how easily you can install any other 3rd party components because of no core files changes.


  • No changes of Joomla and phpBB core files required – easy to install and upgrade your system
  • Manage helpdesk configuration and users from Joomla admin panel
  • Transfer users between Joomla and Kayako preserving their profile data
  • Full support of Community Builder (additional CB plugin installation required), ability to assign Kayako profile fields to the CB ones
  • Wrapping Kayako in Joomla as a component and browse helpdesk without reloading a page (~1 minute Kayako template changes required)


  • Single Usage – $69.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $99.00

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Multisites Content

Multisites Content

The content component includes a module that shows latest created content. In the module’s configuration you can choose the number of articles displayed and the following options: show site name, show url, show both, etc. You can list all the sites you want, but you of course must have access rights to the databases. The content is shown in a menu item from a component link.


  • Sites
  • Categories
  • Date
  • Author
  • Most popular
  • Alphabetical
  • Site url


  • Single Usage – $29.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $49.00

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Multisites Search

Multisites Search

Multisites Search helps you to list all the sites to search you want, but you of course you should have access rights to the databases. And it can be done on all the servers you list in the setup. You can also choose which prefix to use if you have different prefixes in a database, and when you add a site this joomla component will contact the database to test the connection.


  • Log/delete search strings
  • Statistics for search strings (words, hits and the size of the log file)
  • Set length of a searched word
  • All sites from the setup are listed on the FE
  • Choose to open the shown links in a new window on the FE
  • Choose which of the listed sites to search on the FE


  • Single Usage – $29.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $49.00

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Multisites Control

Multisites Control

This component is an admin interface for content, banners and news management from main site to child sites. It allows to copy selected database tables or records and content from main site to selected subsites including FTP support. The file and folder permissions are copied as well.


  • copy content from one site to any others
  • update content from one site to any others
  • publish and unpublish content from many sites
  • delete content from any sites


  • Single Usage – $69.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $99.00

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Customers Virtuemart Module

Customers Virtuemart Module

Customers Virtuemart Module allows you to show the exact products which were bought together with one of the products from your site or after the sale.


  • Works with different category products and display items with brief description filtered by category. As one of the selling categories becomes more popular — it will be displayed with the bigger font in a categories list of the tag cloud
  • Allows to show the exact products which were bought together with one of the products from your site or after the sale
  • You can choose among your products which of them you want to be analyzed. And you shouldn’t wait till the component collects enough statistics – you are able to add statistics manually


  • Single Usage – $29.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $49.00

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Joomla Subscription

Joomla Subscription

Joomla Subscription shows when users arrives at the main Joomla site he sees a list of sites or local folder that he can subscribe to upon login. The list may include multiple sites or one secure folder at the site where the component is installed.

This list is generated from a ‘Site List’ section of the component’s back-end at the main site. Each site from the list shows the info about site’s name, its url, price, access type, etc. This info is entered when you add a site in the back-end.


  • Every site/folder for subscription can be configured for three account fee types:
  • Free access – the user is registered right after he clicks the register button
  • Paid access – the user is registered after the payment is done.
  • Free trial access (admin specifies the term) >> paid access.

There are 5 account access types:

  • Lifetime access – the user is activated once and forever.
  • Date to date – the user is activated on the start date and blocked on the end date
  • Date to lifetime – the user is activated on the start date once and forever.
  • Within the fixed term – the user is activated and deactivated once the specified term ends (the term is specified by admin).
  • Within the user’s defined term – the user is activated and deactivated once the specified term ends (the term is specified by the user, admin specifies min and max term in days) and lot more.


  • Single Usage – $59.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $89.00

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JoomPortfolio is a joomla portfolio component for Joomla CMS, designed to give you an opportunity to arrange your projects and present your works for the visitors of your site. Moreover, it’s not necessary to use the component as a portfolio — it can be used as a catalogue for any kind of items.

JoomPortfolio allows you to create a full portfolio of your works and integrate it with your site as a separate section.


  • Manage your joomla portfolio sections, categories, items
  • Create custom fields for each item
  • Define the number of items to be shown on the page
  • Show/hide the description of sections and categories
  • Enter intro text
  • Edit css for your portfolio
  • Create a language for your portfolio
  • Adjust module parameters


  • Single Usage – $69.00
  • Unlimited Usage – $89.00

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Note: All the templates and extensions listed in this site are from their respective developers and all support requests should be sent directly to the developers. We do not provide support for any of the templates or extensions listed in this site. We just make some revenue if you purchase any of the product through the link from our site.