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JA News - Joomla Magazine extension by JoomlArt

JA News component can ease constraints relating to the publishing news and articles on your website. JA News grants you full control to set up different pages by creating separate front page layout and section layout. You can either create multiple front pages with multiple sections or one section with multiple categories. For each page view, you can assign a different headline and blog layout.

In addition, JA News generates two areas for headline news and sections/categories news presentation. The headline area can be defined to be shown with static style or in a slideshow format. All your section and category news are displayed as blog layout with brief intro text for quick view. Outstandingly, the powerful JA News enables re-organization of all Joomla! sections layout in exactly the way they appear on frontpage. Now every page, every section on your site became more attractive and informative in a well-organized manner.


  • Customizable Headline and Sections with templates.
  • Specify template for frontpage as well as each section/category
  • Available parameters for each section/category
  • Support category arrangement in each section as well as in frontpage
  • Support multi-language
  • Easy-to-use, flexible customization.


ja news


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