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Mighty Analytics - Advanced Analytics Component for Joomla

MightyAnalytics is a great component to display your analytics data in a beautiful animated diagrams with 3D effects and bright, wide color schemes and extremely dynamic. MightyAnalytics is only a wrapper for display charts but the charts are created by plug-ins. Every report you see is a plug-in. Actually you cannot see the reports for simply any component after installing Analytics. You must have the appropriate plug-in.


  • Flash based charts / diagrams
  • Navigate through diagram (zoom, scroll, etc.)
  • Ajax update technology
  • Include table with full information
  • Print view A4 format adjusted
  • Reports and diagrams are visible from the front-end
  • Admin sets the level of users allowed to view reports
  • Every report can be adjusted with the binding to one user or all users
  • Download table as Microsoft® Office Excel® for future analysis
  • Plug-in based charting – easy to integrate with any component
  • Convert Flash charts to PNG images

Price: € 9.00

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