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Folio Life Premium Joomla Portfolio Template from JoomlaBamboo

Folio Life

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Folio Life is a beautiful mix between clean and grunge and is the perfect Joomla template to use for a slightly edgy, after hours magazine / news portal. Folio Life is the first template built upon amazing new Zen Grid framework which totally revisions what it is to control and work with a Joomla Template.

Folio Life merges the clean with the dirty by providing a rich stone grunge texture for the website background while using some smooth bevelled lines to create a happy balance between a minimal and grungy aesthetic .

Folio Life also comes with a slick magazine style blogging K2 template that provides an amazingly simple layout for the multitude of extra features that the K2 component provides.

Six Colour Schemes

xhtml and css valid Joomla 1.5 Template

Built on the Zen Grid Framework

There are a massive 60 module positions in this template


You need to be a member of JoomlaBamboo Template Club to download this template. Join Now to download all templates from JoomlaBamboo.

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You need to be a member of JoomlaBamboo Template Club to download this template. Join Now to download all templates from JoomlaBamboo. Membership starts from AUD 45.00

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