JM-School-Tools - Responsive Joomla Education Template for Schools
JM-School-Tools is a fully responsive Joomla template from Joomla-Monster. It has been designed specially for sites of schools tools, any kind of kids education or presenting kids’ talents – simply any site about children. The template is full of colors that gives the energy power. It includes tons of module suffixes of many modules designs as well as useful badges for all modules! It has many interesting and useful custom html code with CSS3 effects that you can use on the site. With DJ-Catalog2 extension create the professional catalog of school tools or talented students use it depends on your needs, it’s flexible). On the other hand DJ-MediaTools allows to create image gallery with multiple slider types.
- Works with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x
- Powerful Framework that provides many powerful settings to configure at the template manager
- Responsive Layout with mobile device support
- Install the exact copy of the demo site and replace the example of content with your data
- CSS3 Animation Effects
- DJ-Catalog2 to create products catalogue with many optional features.
- Create products gallery or slides with DJ-MediaTools! The module allows to display data in 7 different ways
- Use any of Google fonts with the template
- supports Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
- fully compatibile with Bootstrap framework
- LESS support
- HTML5 + CSS3
- Collapsible module positions
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid.
- Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design.
- Well-commented css style files
- Compatible with IE8, IE9, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Chrome
Price: $53.00
Tagged with: joomla 2.5 template , joomla 3.0 template , joomla education template , responsive joomla template
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