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Joomla! 1.5 Development Cookbook

Joomla! 1.5 Development Cookbook

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Features :

  • Simple but incredibly useful solutions to real world Joomla! 1.5 development problems
  • Rapidly extend the Joomla! core functionality to create new and exciting extension
  • Hands-on solutions that takes a practical approach to recipes – providing code samples that can easily be extracted

In Detail

Joomla! is the world’s hottest open-source content management system. Out of the box, Joomla! does a great job of managing the content needed to make your website sing. Many Joomla! developers face common implementation hurdles, some might want to rapidly extend the Joomla! core functionality or might want to create new and exciting extensions.

This book has a “wealth” of solutions for problems that Joomla! developers face regularly. It provides step-by-step mini examples which show how to overcome common design and implementation problems when creating Joomla! extensions. It will help you setup a sustainable collaborative development environment using the powerful free services offered by

This book can be used in different ways. It can be used by the pro Joomla! developer looking for a specific solution to a problem and can also be used by a novice developer looking for an insight into an area of common problems, such as effectively handling errors in Joomla! Readers who choose to read an entire chapter will first be given a brief overview of the topic in hand and its role and importance when developing for Joomla! The Recipes contained within the chapter will introduce the reader to specific problems and provide hands-on solutions. It provides solutions for core design topics including security, data access, users, sessions, and multilingual capabilities.

What you will learn from this book?

  • Make your extensions extensible, add extensions points to allow third parties to customize your extension
  • Create international extensions by enabling multilingual capabilities
  • Build more than just HTML pages – create PDF documents, Atom Feeds, and more!
  • Improve the user experience by adding Ajax
  • Create Atom and RSS feeds to keep users up-to-date
  • Utilize the power of Subversion to maintain your source code
  • Execute database queries and handle returned data in order to access and modify your data
  • Dynamically extend your database tables using JParameter to make your extensions more flexible
  • Keep your gremlins at bay by handling errors the Joomla! way
  • Work with the file system, interrogate existing files and folders and store data in the file system
  • Take control of your workflows by using to manage your Joomla! projects


This book contains recipes which define common problems and provide suggested solutions. This is not a book to read from cover-to-cover, it is hands-on solutions book that takes a practical approach to recipes – providing code samples that can easily be extracted and modified to suit the needs of the reader. Each recipe is presented as a separate entity and prior reading of other recipes is not required. Chapters provide categorization of recipes and give an introduction to the subject area with reference to the recipes contained within.

Who this book is written for?

This book is for PHP developers who have experience of developing for Joomla! It does not introduce developing extensions for Joomla!, it is assumed that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject and is looking for a quick guide to solve common problems quickly which commonly occur when developing for Joomla! It does not matter if you are an accomplished Joomla! developer or just starting out. For each scenario that this book addresses, there is an introductory explanation of the problem and an easy to implement solution. For the more accomplished developers recipes also include a discussion of the solution explaining how it works and how it can be further enhanced or customized.

Price: $35.64

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