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Building Websites with ExpressionEngine 1.6

Building Websites with ExpressionEngine 1.6

ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich content management system used by thousands of individuals, organizations, and companies to easily manage their websites. It is written in the world’s most popular web scripting language, PHP, and built on the MySQL database server. This book is written for ExpressionEngine 1.6 users, although it will still be a good introduction for those using other versions.

If you’re eager to start creating websites with ExpressionEngine, this is your book. This book gives you clear, concise and, of course, practical guidance to take you from the basics of setting up ExpressionEngine to developing the skills you need to create professional ExpressionEngine websites to be reckoned with.

This book will take you through the process of setting up a website with ExpressionEngine with the help of an example site. By creating a site for selling toast online, you will learn all the stages required for building a professional website in a plain, articulate manner.

This book is aimed at beginners new to ExpressionEngine, but will allow readers to advance rapidly up the learning curve to the point where they can tackle any task with confidence.

Once you’re set up with a basic installation of ExpressionEngine, you will move on to learn about creating and managing your content, customizing the look of your site, managing users and groups, allowing visitors to post comments and feedback, building an events calendar, and building a photo gallery. The book also covers the discussion forum module, the simple commerce module, and the wiki module as well as basics such as creating search-engine friendly URLs, 404 “page not found” pages, removing the index.php file for cleaner URLs and updating ExpressionEngine to the latest version.

What you will learn from this book?

  • Install and set up ExpressionEngine
  • Manage your ExpressionEngine installation, including backups, restores, and version updates
  • Build a website from the ground up using ExpressionEngine
  • Customize the look of your site with HTML/CSS and templates to create the right impression
  • Create friendly URLs for your pages to be picked up by Internet search engines
  • Handle new user registrations, forgotten passwords, and logging in
  • Allow users to interact with your site using comments
  • Add Calendar features to your site
  • Display images on your site with the Photo Gallery module
  • Add search functionality to your site
  • Find out how to easily install add-ons such as plug-ins, extensions, and modules to enhance ExpressionEngine’s functionality
  • Learn how to integrate Paypal into ExpressionEngine in order to sell goods
  • Get an overview of implementing the discussion forum module
  • !


This book is a clear and enjoyable tutorial packed with carefully explained steps for constructing the example website, and information for applying the skills learned to your everyday ExpressionEngine work.

Who this book is written for?

This book is ideal for new users of ExpressionEngine. The book is targeted at people who are responsible for creating and managing a site with ExpressionEngine. It is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want to develop a fully featured web presence in a simple and straightforward process.

Price: $33.82

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ExpressionEngine 2 A Quick-Start Guide

ExpressionEngine 2 A Quick-Start Guide

In this book, noted expert Ryan Irelan walks you through creating an online news site, Engine City Times. You’ll get hands-on experience working with dynamic content, categories, an RSS feed, site search, and more as you build your news site.

You’ll further improve your ExpressionEngine skills with advanced techniques for creating powerful and manageable templates, effectively managing site files and assets, and optimizing your ExpressionEngine website to handle thousands of visitors. Go beyond the native ExpressionEngine functionality and customize the system through the use of add-ons. You’ll discover how add-ons can help you build better websites, and you’ll also build your own add-ons from scratch.

Price: $23.07

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Using Drupal by Angela Byron, Addison Berry, Nathan Haug, and Jeff Eaton

Using Drupal by Angela Byron, Addison Berry, Nathan Haug, and Jeff Eaton

Using Drupal cuts out a lot of the research time and helps you dive headfirst into Drupal. It does an excellent job of explaining how to rapidly assemble a wide variety of websites using some of Drupal’s most commonly used modules. Whether you’re new to building websites or an experienced programmer, this book is full of useful information. By the end of Using Drupal, you’ll be much more prepared to build the Drupal site you’ve always wanted.

With the recipes in this book, you can take full advantage of the vast collection of community-contributed modules that make the Drupal web framework useful and unique. You’ll get the information you need about how to combine modules in interesting ways (with a minimum of code-wrangling) to develop a variety of community-driven websites. Each chapter describes a case study and outlines specific requirements for one of several projects included in the book — a wiki, publishing workflow site, photo gallery, product review site, online store, user group site, and more. With Using Drupal, you will:

  • Get an overview of Drupal concepts and key modules introduced in each chapter, with a bird’s-eye view of each module’s specialty and how it works
  • Explore various solutions within Drupal that meet the requirements for the project, with details about which modules are selected and why
  • Learn how to configure modules, with step-by-step recipes for building the precise functionality the project requires
  • Get information on additional modules that will make the project even more powerful
  • Be able to access the modules used in the chapter, along with other resources

Newcomers will find a thorough introduction to the framework, while experienced Drupal developers will learn best practices for building powerful websites. With Using Drupal, you’ll find concrete and creative solutions for developing the exact community website you have in mind.

Price: $38.93

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Pro Drupal 7 Development, Third Edition

Pro Drupal 7 Development, Third Edition

This book is geared toward professionals that need to deploy and customize Drupal. This book delves deep into the internals of the Drupal 7 system and teaches you everything you need to know to deploy a highly customized and optimized Drupal installation. Every web developer looking to deploy web sites quickly to their clients while still being able to harness the power of an excellent content management system needs this book.

What you’ll learn

  • What Drupal is and why you should use it
  • How to install a basic Drupal web site from scratch
  • How to create content in your new Drupal web site
  • How to manage users on your new Drupal web site
  • How to change the look and feel of your new Drupal web site through themes
  • How to install and configure modules

Who this book is for

This book is for existing Drupal module developers wanting to learn about Drupal 7 and people already knowledgeable in PHP who are interested in developing for Drupal. Simply put, if you are working with Drupal, then you need this book.

Price: $31.49

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Pro Drupal Development, Second Edition

Pro Drupal Development, Second Edition

Widely praised for its in–depth coverage of Drupal internals, bestselling Pro Drupal Development has been completely updated for Drupal 6 in this latest edition, and there are even more tricks of the trade to help you further yourself as a professional Drupal developer.

Assuming you already know how to install and bring a standard installation online, John K. VanDyk gives you everything else you need to customize your Drupal installation however you see fit. Pro Drupal Development, Second Edition delves deep into Drupal internals, showing you how to take full advantage of its powerful architecture.

What you’ll learn

  • Find out how to create your own modules, develop your own themes, and produce your own filters.
  • Learn the inner workings of each key part of Drupal, including user management, sessions, the node system, caching, and the various APIs available to you.
  • Discover how to optimize your Drupal installation to perform well under high–load situations.
  • Gain the knowledge needed to secure your Drupal installation and other best practice techniques.
  • Learn to integrate Ajax into and internationalize your Drupal web site.

Who is this book for?

Web developers maintaining and creating sites with Drupal. It is assumed that you already know the basics of Drupal and are able to install and bring up a basic installation. This book takes you deeper into the internals of Drupal and teaches how to tweak and modify it in order to create that perfect web site. Simply put, if you are working with Drupal, you need Pro Drupal Development, Second Edition.

Price: $31.49

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