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Drupal Essential Training CD-ROM

Drupal Essential Training CD-ROM

Drupal is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) for a variety of platforms. It has a robust user community and easy-to-use administration features. Drupal Essential Training covers all the important aspects of installing, configuring, customizing, and maintaining a Drupal-powered website. Instructor Tom Geller explores blogs, discussion forums, member profiles, and other features while demonstrating the steps required to make Drupal perform. He also teaches fundamental concepts and skills along the way, including installation, backups, and updates; security and permissions; flexible page layouts and CSS; menu navigation; and performance monitoring and disaster recovery. He also discusses how to select and install the community-supported modules that further expand Drupal’s capabilities, and gives experienced PHP programmers tips on customizing page templates. Example files accompany the course.

Topics Include:

  • Understanding the inner workings of Drupal
  • Creating stories, pages, blogs, forums, and polls
  • Managing users and comments
  • Setting and customizing themes
  • Exchanging content via RSS
  • Stopping comment spam with a CAPTCHA
  • Launching a site and joining the Drupal community

Duration: 7 hours On 1 DVD-ROM

System Requirements

Macintosh Requirements

  • OS 10.3.9 or higher
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • 1024×768 resolution
  • 24-bit video support
  • QuickTime 7 or higher

Windows Requirements

  • XP or Vista
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • 1024×768 resolution
  • 24-bit video support
  • PC sound card/speakers
  • QuickTime 7 or higher (included)
  • .NET 2.0 or higher (included)

Price: $49.95

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Learning Drupal 6 Module Development

Learning Drupal 6 Module Development

With great power comes… tremendous flexibility. Drupal is an award-winning open-source Content Management System, and the feature-packed sixth release is right around the corner. It’s a modular system, with an elegant hook-based architecture, and great code. These are a few of the perks that make Drupal a choice platform for developers who want the power of an established CMS, but the freedom to make it work for them. From social networking to AJAX to e-commerce, the hundreds of existing modules attest to Drupal’s flexibility. When you create a new module for Drupal, it fits seamlessly into the look and feel of your overall site. If you can think it in PHP, you can code it as a Drupal module.

Dive into Drupal module development as we create the Philosopher Biographies website, developing new modules and themes to meet practical goals. Create custom content types. Add AJAX functionality with the jQuery library. Use external XML APIs to add content to your site. Email newsletters to site members. Use themes. Empower administrators with extra features. And bundle it all up in a custom installation profile. You won’t find a “hello world” here!

If you’re eager to start creating modules for Drupal 6, this is your book. Walk through the development of complete Drupal modules with this primer for PHP programmers. Specifically written for Drupal 6, this book will get you coding modules as quickly as possible, and help you add the features that will give your work that professional gloss!

Just getting started with Drupal development? This book will give you a clear, concise and, of course, practical guidance to take you from the basics of creating your first module to developing the skills to make you a Drupal developer to be reckoned with.

Are you a Drupal developer looking to update to version 6? This book covers the new and updated APIs to guide your transition to Drupal 6. The new menu system, the Forms and Schema APIs, and many core revisions are covered in this book.

What you will learn from this book?

  • A developer’s overview of important Drupal concepts and APIs, like nodes, menus, and forms
  • Using Drupal tools for module development
  • Creating a new module from scratch
  • Harnessing the power of the Drupal hook system
  • Using key Drupal functions
  • Creating custom content types, from basic to advanced
  • Performing database operations
  • Writing module installers and uninstallers
  • Making Drupal content available to JavaScript with a JSON service
  • Interacting with the theme system to build crisp layouts
  • Creating richer user interfaces with Drupal’s JavaScript libraries
  • Working with blocks, nodes, actions, and menus
  • Using a web service to retrieve and display XML data
  • Creating an administration interface
  • Customizing user profiles
  • Writing actions and triggering them with events
  • Working with the Forms API
  • Defining custom hooks and making modules work together
  • Exploring the database and schema API
  • Creating an installation profile to bundle your modules into a custom Drupal distribution

Who this book is written for?

This book is written for PHP developers who want to add custom features to Drupal. You will need to know the basics of PHP and MySQL programming, but no experience of programming Drupal is required, although you will be expected to be familiar with the basic operation of Drupal.

Price: $34.19

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Building Powerful and Robust Websites with Drupal 6

Building Powerful and Robust Websites with Drupal 6

Drupal is a hugely popular and widely celebrated open-source Content Management System that is day-by-day becoming the first choice of people for building blogs and other websites. Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the father of the Internet), Hillary Clinton, and many others utilize Drupal to fulfil their online requirements.

Drupal is an elegantly designed, well-supported and flexible platform that anyone can use in order to create their own website. With such a powerful tool at your fingertips there is no longer any need to pay professionals to design a site when you can do the same job yourself absolutely free. All it takes is a bit of practice!

This book meets the booming demand for well presented, clear, concise, and above all practical information on how to move from knowing you want a website all the way through to designing and building it like a pro, and finally successfully managing and maintaining it.

Experienced technical author David Mercer expertly guides the reader through all the stages of building a professional website in a plain, articulate manner. Aimed in particular at beginners to Drupal, this book will allow readers to advance rapidly up the learning curve to the point where they can tackle any problem with confidence.

What you will learn from this book?

  • Plan and consider various design aspects of your site
  • Install, set up, and configure a Drupal development machine
  • Find your way around the vast array of Drupal settings with ease
  • Add and work with modules to enhance your website’s functionality
  • Control and manage your site’s content
  • Deal with security issues, users, and access control
  • Implement a customized interface for your website
  • Add powerful new features and learn advanced techniques
  • Deploy, manage, and maintain your website


Written in the same style as the original Drupal title, this book is a pragmatic look at the steps necessary to get a website up and running. Drawing on years of writing experience, David Mercer utilizes a friendly, engaging style that is both clear and concise – perfect for the Drupal newbie.

Who this book is written for?

This book is for people with little or no experience in website design, people who are not familiar with PHP, MySQL or HTML, and above all people with little to no experience in using Drupal. Even intermediate Drupal users will find this book of interest although it is specifically aimed at pushing beginners up the learning curve.

Price: $38.36

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Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization

Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization

Rank high in search engines with professional SEO tips, modules, and best practices for Drupal web sites

  • Concise, actionable steps for increasing traffic to your Drupal site
  • Learn which modules to install and how to configure them for maximum SEO results
  • Create search engine friendly and optimized title tags, paths, sitemaps, headings, navigation, and more
  • A practical, step-by-step guide that takes the mystery out of Drupal SEO

In Detail

The earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. Despite several advantages, many Drupal sites suffer with poor search engine standings. Perhaps you are aware of the importance of SEO for increasing traffic to your site, but do you know how to apply it to your Drupal site? Here comes the first book about search engine optimization for Drupal sites.

This practical, step-by-step guide takes the mystery out of Drupal search engine optimization (SEO) by showing you the tricks of today’s top marketing pros to achieve top ranking in the search engines. This isn’t a book of Drupal SEO theory – it’s a practical guide showing you which modules to install, which settings to use, and dozens of the most closely guarded “tricks of the trade” to get your web site optimized, higher in the search engines, and more profitable.

With this book and basic Drupal 6 knowledge – how to log in, create content, and install modules – you can build a perfectly search engine optimized web site. Each chapter uses easy, step-by-step instructions to walk you through the Drupal SEO modules, configurations, and content you will need to increase traffic on your web site. You start by reviewing the modules and tools that you should use to optimize your site, how to set up your analytics, and so on. Each subsequent chapter gives detailed instructions on implementing these features in Drupal. Later chapters cover topics like site organization, A/B testing, and automatic content tagging to maximize SEO and increase the conversion rate of your web site. When you have completed the book, you will have implemented the changes to your site required to rank well in the search engines. If you want to maximize the return on investment of your Drupal 6 web site and gain a significant advantage over competitors who are not using Drupal, then this book is for you. Imagine how great you’ll feel when your site is optimized to increase the number of visitors and convert them into paying customers.

What you will learn from this book?

Working through this book you will:

  • Explore 10 SEO mistakes you must avoid to achieve top ranking and increase traffic on your site
  • Get to grips with all the Drupal modules that are essential for SEO and may help your site rank well
  • Create page titles and paths that search engines (and users) will love
  • Learn about the 3 critical SEO problems that plague most Drupal sites and how to fix them
  • Optimize video, images, and other media in your Drupal site so that search engine spiders can read their content
  • Write content that users and the search engines will love and fix problems with duplicate content, robots.txt files, and .htaccess
  • Set up systems in Drupal to automatically tag and organize your content
  • Maximize the value of RSS, site speed, and Page rank in your Drupal site
  • Implement usability testing, A/B testing, and conversions best practices to turn visits into revenue for your business
  • Keep your site on a path of constant and never-ending improvement


This is a practical, hands-on book based around sound SEO techniques specifically applied to Drupal. Each chapter starts with a brief overview of the important concepts then quickly moves into practical step-by-step actions you can take immediately. Throughout the book, you’ll get clear instructions and detailed screenshots, so you can see exactly what to do each step of the way. You will install and configure a selection of Drupal modules – each of which will move you one step closer to optimization. Chapter-by-chapter, your Drupal site will become more optimized so that by the end of the book, your site is 100% ready for Google.

Who this book is written for?

This book is written for Drupal site owners and those who create Drupal sites including themers, developers, programmers, and consultants. A basic understanding of Drupal will be helpful: what a node is, how to create nodes, how to log in to the admin sections of your Drupal site, and how to properly install and enable a module. No knowledge of SEO will be assumed but a basic knowledge of search engines is expected.

Price: $38.57

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Building an ExpressionEngine Site for Small Business

Building an ExpressionEngine Site for Small Business

Get the only book that walks you through implementing a small business website completely on ExpressionEngine. Also covered are using EE embedded templates, embedded variables with embedded templates, global variables, categories, and implementing the EE search engine.

Written for the working web professional, this book works through implementing the sample site in a step-by-step fashion. It includes screenshots of the EE control panel and sample output, as well as all the code samples you will need to do the implementation.

All templates covered in the book are available on a Companion File CD for ease of copy/paste into EE. The companion CD also contains a 16 minute video overview of the ExpressionEngine Control Panel.

Price: $30.80

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Note: All the templates and extensions listed in this site are from their respective developers and all support requests should be sent directly to the developers. We do not provide support for any of the templates or extensions listed in this site. We just make some revenue if you purchase any of the product through the link from our site.