Forum2Blog is a wordpress plugin that takes a given vBulletin forum thread, scrape it and create a post on the blog based on that thread. It will take the first post from the thread and creates a new post on your blog and the rest of the replies from the thread will be added as comments to the post from your blog. It requires fopen() or Curl to be enabled on your server.
- Import posts from any vBulletin powered forum
- Change post title
- Random name generator for the fake blog comments
- Option to allow/deny links in the posts
- Option to allow/deny links in comments
- Option to allow images in comments
- Password protection
- fast and easy to use
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WordPress Uniquefier is a Plugin which will turn your blog content from duplicate to 100% unique. The articles will be the same for your site visitors, the changes which are being made to the articles are in the backpage, in the page source, changes which are not visible to the visitors, but only to the search engines bots and browsers.
If you are having automated blogs or you are using automated posting scripts like feedwordpress or wp-o-matic you may want to know that this plugin it’s compatible with both of them or any other you may be using. Using the WordPress will not affect your SEO.
Uniquefier 3.0 new features
- The possibility to keep specific posts unchanged.
- No more compatibility problem with any other plugins you may use like wp-youtube or phpbay
- RSS feed will work without problems in all feed readers
- Automatic updates notification
- Custom themes compatibility
- Works with all languages without using special chars
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WP Members turns your WordPress into a fully automated membership website in minutes. WP Members has a lot of powerful features and very easy to use. You can have your own full automated membership site up and working within few minutes.

- Multiple Membership Levels
- Simple Integration With New or Existing WordPress Blog
- Each membership level can have unlimited subscriptions
- Flexible Membership Options
- Post or Page delay allows user to set a delay (in days) before a member see’s certain content
- Control Viewed Content
- WP Members seamlessly integrates with PayPal, ClickBank and WorldPay
- Easy Member Management
- WP Members can go beyond just a membership site as you can easily give your members access to multiple levels within your membership
- Option to disable access to guests. Normal, partial or full protection can be assigned to separate content depending on account types.
- Secure RSS With Tokens
- Control the length of time each member has access to your membership site
- Login Redirection, Custom Error Pages, and Download Manager
- Pay Per Post allows Members with Free Membership type to purchase posts they would not normally be able to see
- WP Members has a simple mechanism to protect a post or part of the post through the use of [ private ] [ /private ] tags, anything in these tags will not show to users not logged in or those who do not have the correct role as defined in the right hand side of a post write or managed page.
Price: $59.00
View Demo & Buy Now

News Automator is a WordPress plugin that allows you to import digg.com news into your wordpress blog. It can also import all the available comments for each of the news.
You will only have to specify the digg news links and the blog posting time. You can have them all posted on your blog at once, or you can schedule them to appear on your blog one per minute, every 5 or 10 minutes or more.
- Import as many digg news you want
- All the comments from digg.com stories are imported
- Blog Posting Schedule
- Category selection
- Password Protection
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Movie Automator is a fantastic plugin for wordpress. It can import tons of movies from IMDB with all of its details. You will only have to specify the movies you want and the blog posting schedule. You can have them all posted on your blog at once, or you can schedule them to appear on your blog one per minute, every 5 or 10 minutes or more.
The plugin can Import more than 1 million movies from imdb with Movie Poster, Plot, Director Name, Release Data, Run Time, Country, Genre, Tagline, Trivia and Goofs.
Price: $14.99
Here is a screenshot of a sample post (Click to enlarge)

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