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Joomla Extensions

YJ Accordion Modules

Youjoomla Accordion Modules is Joomla 1.0.x and Jomla 1.5.x module that will help you utilize some space on your website by loading your modules in accordion and this way gives your site WEB 2.0 appearance. With 31 module parameters, YJ Accordion Modules is eye candy for an Joomla website and can help the admins extend their website layouts. The best feature of all is that this module can be copied as many times as you need. Simply after you have copied the module, change the parameter “Set main class name” and adjust the module to show different modules. Several accordion functions are also build in like, open, onHover, on Click, toggle accordion and sure you can decide what tab should be open first on page load.


  • Easy to install and use
  • Extremely fast and lightweight
  • Unlimited accordions
  • Display any Joomla module in accordions
  • Automatic width adjustment
  • Smooth up/down accordions transition with Mootools fadout/fadin effect
  • Cross browser compatible

Price: $28.00

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You bumpit Joomla Extension

You bumpit is an Joomla Extension that can let your users vote for articles like Digg. It has everything you need to spice up your stories and website. Bump Bump and bump some more!


  • Categories or Item restriction.
  • You choose who can vote.
  • Send user to registration page if you disable public access
  • CSS and XHTML valid.
  • Full layout and look control.
  • Disable frontpage intro images
  • Choose to show plugin on frontage only
  • Available for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.0
  • Pack includes YouBumpit module

Price: $38.00

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YJ Live Search Joomla Extension

YJ Live Search will amaze your visitors with easy live search function that resembles SikBox and but is completely customizable trough its own CSS file. YJ Live Search Joomla Module has built in parameters to also search through your Joomla Fireboard forum or your Mtree Listing component. Simply enable the parameters you need and restrict certain search functions to fit your customers search requirements.


  • Easy to install and use
  • Extremely fast and lightweight
  • Fully customizable via CSS
  • Fully customizable via CSS
  • Fireboard Live Search
  • Mosets Ntree live search
  • Mootools 1.11 and CSS powered Live Search

Price: $29.00

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YJ News Slider Joomla Module

YJ News Slider 10 is Joomla 1.5 News slider module that will let you present your latest news in a beautiful Mootools transition and WEB 2.0 style. This module comes with 2 right or left aligned news items playlist. Module structure is CSS and XHTML valid and cross browser compatible. Default module selected playlist background color is red but using CSS overides you can change the look and feel of the module itself within minutes.


  • Right or left aligned playlist
  • Choose news items from any Joomla category
  • Specify to show only specific news items from any Joomla section or category
  • Auto slide
  • Adjustable width and height
  • Limit number of news items to play
  • Limit intro text characters
  • CSS and XHTML valid
  • Cross browser compatible
  • IE6 PNG fix built in

Price: $28.00

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You Weather Joomla Extension

You Weather is Joomla extension that will display today’s weather and 4 days forecast using Google weather API. With build in Mootools Ajax function, module will display weather forecast to your visitors and keep the city preference stored for their next visit.

You Weather comes with own language file and here with gives you the option to change all text instances to your preferred language.


  • Show weather forecast in Fahrenheit or Celsius
  • Display current day wind and humidity conditions
  • Assign default city
  • Change module width to fit your website
  • Up to 4 days forecast
  • Ajax location changer

Price: $28.00

Join the YouJoomla Joomla Templates Club to get access to all the Joomla Templates and Extensions developed by YouJoomla and save money!

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Note: All the templates and extensions listed in this site are from their respective developers and all support requests should be sent directly to the developers. We do not provide support for any of the templates or extensions listed in this site. We just make some revenue if you purchase any of the product through the link from our site.