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Joomla Template Clubs

Joomlashack Developer Club


Joomlashack develops Clean, Simple and powerful joomla templates that are easy to use and customize. Joomlashack has been a leading provider of free and commercial Joomla templates since 2005.

Joomlashack Developer Club offers access to all templates developed by Joomlashack and you can use it on unlimited domains. Joomlashack Support Team provides a fantastic support to its members through a private developer forum where you share Joomla tricks and tips with your peers and the Joomlashack team. You will also get special pre-release access to their latest templates, components, and services.

The Joomlashack Developer Club is the only Joomla template club that offers lifetime access for a small fee.

Price: $399 (lifetime membership)

Click Here to View all templates and components by Joomlashack

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Joomla CSS Guide Joomla Templates Club

Joomla CSS Guide provides professional Joomla CSS Reference and Joomla Templates. It also offers Joomla Template Customization services. There are currently 11 templates in the club and it is the cheapest too. You will get 90 days access to all of the 11 professional and easy to install joomla templates. You can use these templates on as many domains as you want without any restriction. You will also get 90 days access to our template customization forum where you can get answers for your template customization problems.

Price is just 20 Euros!!!

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Note: All the templates and extensions listed in this site are from their respective developers and all support requests should be sent directly to the developers. We do not provide support for any of the templates or extensions listed in this site. We just make some revenue if you purchase any of the product through the link from our site.