Joomla! is one of the fastest growing Open Source Content Management Systems on the market today and has won multiple awards since it’s release in 2005. Currently, Joomla! has the largest 3rd party developer and designer community, with over 160,000 current registered users, over 2,000 templates, and 3,000 extensions.
This task-based guide to creating, customizing, and maintaining a dynamic Joomla! 1.5 web site starts with the fundamental concepts and advantages of a Content Management System and then walks the user through setting up a server environment, downloading and installing Joomla!, adding and structuring content, using components, modules, and plugins, and administrating from both the back and front-ends.
The book finishes with more advanced topics, including CSS, search engine optimization (SEO), and customizing templates and the Joomla! framework itself. It’s the perfect guide to getting started with Joomla or for those users that want to expand their skills.
Price: $21.89
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A practical tutorial for creating your first Joomla! 1.5 extensions with PHP
In Detail
Joomla! is the world’s hottest open-source content management system, and the winner of the 2006 Open Source CMS Prize.
While Joomla! is packed with features, its greatest quality is that it is extremely extensible, allowing any number of complex applications to be cleanly integrated. Shopping carts, forums, social networking profiles, job boards, and real estate listings are all examples of extensions developers have written for Joomla!. All of these can run off one Joomla! site, while only one database, template, and core need to be maintained. When you build an extension to Joomla!, it will inherit the look and feel of the overall site. Any type of program that can be coded in PHP is a potential component waiting to be written!
If you’re eager to start creating extensions for Joomla!, this book is for you. Walk through the development of complete Joomla! components and modules with this tutorial for PHP programmers. Written for Joomla! version 1.5 and tested against pre-final releases, this book will get you started coding your first extensions as quickly as possible, and adds the features that will make your work look professional!
The book builds example extensions to create, find, promote, and cross-link restaurant reviews. A component will handle common data items seen across all reviews such as price range, reservations, cuisine type, and location. Your visitors will be able to search and sort through the reviews; adding their own criteria to zero in on their dining options for the evening.
Your modules will highlight new reviews, drawing the attention of frequent visitors. Finally, plugins will pull pieces of the reviews into feature articles and others will integrate them into searches. Even if you don’t own a restaurant, you will still find the code applicable to your own development projects, and the skills you develop will make you a Joomla! developer to be reckoned with!
What you will learn from this book?
- Code Joomla! components, modules, and plugins from the ground up
- Create toolbars, list screens, and menu items
- Maintain a consistent look and reduce repetitive code using HTML functions
- Automate database record management
- Validate input and resist hack attempts
- Configure your modules through XML parameters
- Package and distribute your extensions
A practical tutorial, based around the development of coherent example throughout the book. Each chapter walks you through the steps to add a required feature to the extension.
Who this book is written for?
This book is suitable for PHP programmers who want to take their first step in customizing and extending the features of Joomla! through custom PHP development. It is not a reference guide for advanced Joomla! developers.
You need only the basics of PHP programming; no experience of developing Joomla! extensions is assumed. You are expected to be familiar with the general operation of Joomla!
Price: $27.75
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Joomla! started as a fork from Mambo in 2005, when many of the original developers of the Mambo CMS moved to working on Joomla! It has rapidly grown in popularity and, according to its own description, is a “Cutting Edge Content Management System and one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management systems in the world. It is used world-wide for anything from simple homepages to complicated corporate websites. It is easy to install, easy to manage and very reliable.”
While the Joomla! CMS has the flexibility and power needed for complex, full-featured web applications, it is also simple to use to create basic websites. Its powerful, extensible template system can deal many different data types and control of user access, approval of content, scheduling of content display, and rich administrative controls are all included.
This book takes the reader through the tasks essential to create a Joomla! website as rapidly as possible. The necessary tasks are explained with clear step-by-step instructions. The author’s chatty and engaging style makes this book very readable.
Who this book is written for?
This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want to develop a website in a simple and straightforward process. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT-confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive website.
Price: $35.39
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By programmers for programmers-the essential beginner’s guide to building websites with Joomla!
Want to build and maintain dynamic websites without having to learn HTML and CSS? Joomla! open-source web content management system and this beginner’s guide are all you need. This book walks you step-by-step through the process of building a website with Joomla!, providing detailed instruction in Wrox’s practical, programmer-to- programmer style.
The book explores key concepts and shows how each concept relates to the development of an actual real-world web site you can access online.
- Joomla! is an open-source web content management system used to build and maintain dynamic web sites without using specific web languages like HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Walks you step by step through the process of building a website with Jooma! and features plenty of examples of actual websites that illustrate concepts
- Topics include configuration; managing content, core modules, plugins, menus, and extensions; building custom templates; and performing troubleshooting; also provides advanced tips and tricks, and more
From configuration and management to troubleshooting and advanced tips, this is the book to get you up and running with Joomla!
Price: $29.69
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Improve the search engine friendliness of your web site
- Improve the rankings of your Joomla! site in the search engine result pages such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing
- Improve your web site SEO performance by gaining and producing incoming links to your web site
- Market and measure the success of your blog by applying SEO
- Integrate analytics and paid advertising into your Joomla! blog
In Detail
Some sites always appear at the top of a search result while others fail to even make it to the top ten. Wouldn’t you want to see your site on the first page of any search result? This is not easily feasible if you are depending solely on the marketing guys whom you hire for SEO.
Joomla! SEO will help you to attract more visitors and improve the way you rank in search engines by giving you the techniques and knowledge to work your site into higher visitor numbers. It will help you to create and improve your site in an easy way. Joomla! is great, and you can make it perform even better by using the guidelines and ideas in this book.
Search Engine Optimization is becoming a must for every web site. As the competition on the Internet grows you need to make sure your site is among the top results on the major search engines. More and more people use search engines to find the information they are looking for, so you need to make sure you show up in those search result pages to get those visitors to your web site.
Joomla! SEO will provide you with a lot of information, ranging from keywords strategies through technical improvements and content creation. All this information and the tutorials provided are targeted to give you the best base for gaining higher rankings.
In the book, you will learn how to build a keyword strategy and create a better site structure for SEO. You will read about technical improvements that will give you better options for SEO. There is a separate chapter that helps you create search-engine friendly and keyword-rich URLs.
In the end, you will have a web site that is ready to outperform your competitors and a manual to refer to for improving every step you take.
What you will learn from this book?
- Set up your SEO and Keyword strategy
- Develop and implement a plan to improve the ranking of your web site
- Organize your content in a search engine-friendly and user-friendly way
- Get more SEO improvement possibilities with an SEF patch
- Impress the search engines and your visitors by writing titles and articles
- Set up a Joomla! blog and run its RSS feed using Google’s FeedBurner service
- Install and use sh404SEF, an SEF component to improve your URLs
- Pick a good SEO template for speed and SEO techniques
- Speed up your site with better images and cache settings
- Monitor visitors and keep a track of the visits to your site using Statcounter stats and Google Analytics
This is a practical, hands-on book that will lead you through the process of search engine optimization of your Joomla!-based web site. It provides clear instructions and detailed screenshots, so you can see exactly what to do at each step in the SEO process.
Once you have finished reading the book and gone through the detailed plans from each chapter, you will have the knowledge to improve the rankings and visitor numbers of almost any Joomla!-based web site.
Who this book is written for?
This book is written for anyone using Joomla! ranging from owners of business sites to web site developers and personal web site owners. Any Joomla! web site owner who wants to sell products or services, or send out a message to the world will find that getting better rankings in the search engines will help them reach their goal.
Some prior knowledge of Joomla! is expected but no prior knowledge of search engine optimization is needed for this book. The reader will get a deeper level of knowledge on how to make their web site rank better and attract more visitors to their site.
Price: $31.57
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