Build feature-rich online stores with Joomla! 1.0/1.5 and VirtueMart 1.1.x
- Build your own e-commerce web site from scratch by adding features step-by-step to an example e-commerce web site
- Configure the shop, build product catalogues, configure user registration settings for VirtueMart to take orders from around the world
- Manage customers, orders, and a variety of currencies to provide the best customer service
- Handle shipping in all situations and deal with sales tax rules
- Covers customization of site look and feel and localization of VirtueMart
In Detail
VirtueMart is a widely used component for adding e-commerce to a Joomla! site. VirtueMart covers all the aspects of e-commerce in an easy-to-use fashion and allows administrators to configure the various factors such as those of the shop, selling workflow, payment, products, and more. It also has many other features, which include managing customers and orders, so that every aspect of the shop is handled on-line for your comfort.
This book demonstrates the setting up of an on-line Joomla! e-commerce site from scratch using VirtueMart. It focuses specifically on e-commerce and VirtueMart. It teaches all the aspects of quickly setting up a feature-packed, easy-to-build e-commerce site–from basic installation and configuration of Joomla and VirtueMart through adding features step-by-step to an example web site to deployment.
The book begins with an introduction to VirtueMart with an explanation of its capabilities and how you can use it to earn money from your Joomla! site. This is followed by the necessary installation and configuration of Joomla! and VirtueMart to enable you to lay the foundation of your web site. Then it explains configuration of the VirtueMart store, which includes payment and shipping methods, configuring zones, and currencies.
The book then looks at managing products, customers, and orders, and customizing the web site appearance, all through demonstration so that you can build your own store with minimum effort, investment, and time. It also illustrates the promotion and public-relations factors such as banner ads, featured products, coupons, and more, so that you can build a wide customer base. It follows this up with examples of more advanced features such as localization and using extensions for bulk import/export of products to your VirtueMart shop, to suit your individual store needs. Maintenance, troubleshooting, and security, which are essential for running your site, are also explained. There is also an Appendix provided for configuring shipping and payment modules.
What you will learn from this book?
- Install/Uninstall Joomla! components, plug-ins, and modules; install the VirtueMart component and its modules, to start building your store.
- Configure the shop, create and use the appropriate zones and currencies, configure payment methods, shipping methods, and taxes, which form part of the most essential shop functionalities.
- Manage manufacturers and vendors, products and product categories, and watch your VirtueMart shop take real shape with the products you want to sell.
- Configure user registration settings for VirtueMart, manage users and user groups, create and use order status types, view order statistics and order details, update orders, and manage inventory, which will ease your apprehensions about customer service.
- Install and configure new themes, customize the Joomla! template, customize VirtueMart themes and layouts, and use search engine friendly (SEF) URLs to attract more customers to your shop.
- Use VirtueMart’s promotional tools such as banner ads, specials, featured products, newsletters, product notifications, and more, which are important factors in determining the success of your business.
- Add further value to your shop by using different regions and region-specific taxes, multiple currencies, installing new languages, and translating the language of the site.
- Learn to add third-party extensions to further broaden VirtueMart functions for bulk import/export of products to your shop catalogue, update multiple product information at the same time using AJAX, and display slideshows with product images to spice up your shop further.
- Finally, learn to move the shop to your server, to back up and restore files and databases, and also about security, maintenance, and troubleshooting as a final step to complete your brand-new VirtueMart shop!
This is a step-by-step tutorial-style guide, which teaches you to build an e-commerce site through a complete practical example.
Who this book is written for?
Are you a Joomla! user who wants to build an e-commerce store? Do you have a Joomla! site and want to add e-commerce to it to sell products? Then this book is for you! The pre-requisites are simple. You should already know how to build a site with Joomla!, have a smattering of CSS/HTML and perhaps some PHP.
Price: $39.50
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Features :
- Simple but incredibly useful solutions to real world Joomla! 1.5 development problems
- Rapidly extend the Joomla! core functionality to create new and exciting extension
- Hands-on solutions that takes a practical approach to recipes – providing code samples that can easily be extracted
In Detail
Joomla! is the world’s hottest open-source content management system. Out of the box, Joomla! does a great job of managing the content needed to make your website sing. Many Joomla! developers face common implementation hurdles, some might want to rapidly extend the Joomla! core functionality or might want to create new and exciting extensions.
This book has a “wealth” of solutions for problems that Joomla! developers face regularly. It provides step-by-step mini examples which show how to overcome common design and implementation problems when creating Joomla! extensions. It will help you setup a sustainable collaborative development environment using the powerful free services offered by JoomlaCode.org.
This book can be used in different ways. It can be used by the pro Joomla! developer looking for a specific solution to a problem and can also be used by a novice developer looking for an insight into an area of common problems, such as effectively handling errors in Joomla! Readers who choose to read an entire chapter will first be given a brief overview of the topic in hand and its role and importance when developing for Joomla! The Recipes contained within the chapter will introduce the reader to specific problems and provide hands-on solutions. It provides solutions for core design topics including security, data access, users, sessions, and multilingual capabilities.
What you will learn from this book?
- Make your extensions extensible, add extensions points to allow third parties to customize your extension
- Create international extensions by enabling multilingual capabilities
- Build more than just HTML pages – create PDF documents, Atom Feeds, and more!
- Improve the user experience by adding Ajax
- Create Atom and RSS feeds to keep users up-to-date
- Utilize the power of Subversion to maintain your source code
- Execute database queries and handle returned data in order to access and modify your data
- Dynamically extend your database tables using JParameter to make your extensions more flexible
- Keep your gremlins at bay by handling errors the Joomla! way
- Work with the file system, interrogate existing files and folders and store data in the file system
- Take control of your workflows by using JoomlaCode.org to manage your Joomla! projects
This book contains recipes which define common problems and provide suggested solutions. This is not a book to read from cover-to-cover, it is hands-on solutions book that takes a practical approach to recipes – providing code samples that can easily be extracted and modified to suit the needs of the reader. Each recipe is presented as a separate entity and prior reading of other recipes is not required. Chapters provide categorization of recipes and give an introduction to the subject area with reference to the recipes contained within.
Who this book is written for?
This book is for PHP developers who have experience of developing for Joomla! It does not introduce developing extensions for Joomla!, it is assumed that the reader has prior knowledge of the subject and is looking for a quick guide to solve common problems quickly which commonly occur when developing for Joomla! It does not matter if you are an accomplished Joomla! developer or just starting out. For each scenario that this book addresses, there is an introductory explanation of the problem and an easy to implement solution. For the more accomplished developers recipes also include a discussion of the solution explaining how it works and how it can be further enhanced or customized.
Price: $35.64
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Using Joomla! Templates with HTML and CSS allows you to give a unique look and feel to your site, present a “fresh face” to your pre-existing content, ensure that your site design is consistent with your brand, and build a site layout that suits your unique needs. A quality web site is easily within your grasp using these cutting-edge templates. However, even experienced web developers need help to take their designs and turn them into flexible and easily maintainable Joomla! 1.5 templates.
The release of Joomla! 1.5 meant a radically enhanced template system that is very different from that of Joomla! 1.0. Joomla! 1.5 comes complete with the ability to create template overrides and customize “module chrome”. The Joomla! development team has also revamped the template process by introducing clean, understandable jdoc tags in place of the PHP function-based Mambo-derived markup that Joomla! 1.0 templates used. This book focuses squarely on the new enhancements to the Joomla! 1.5 templating process and walks web designers through the process of turning a working XHTML and CSS “mockup” into a fully functional Joomla! 1.5 template.
This well-crafted and easy-to-use book provides you with everything you need to create your own unique Joomla! 1.5 template. It guides you through setting up a basic work flow for Joomla! template design, debugging and validating the template code, creating drop-down menus and dynamic forms for your site, and packaging up your finished template in a ZIP file for users. At the end of this book you will be able to create a template that is effective, flexible, and presents a new look for the pre-existing content.
This book focuses on the new jdoc template system for Joomla! 1.5. It is geared toward web designers who need to know how to turn their designs into Joomla! 1.5 templates. It covers how to enhance and speed up your design and revision process, then focuses squarely on the Joomla! 1.5 essentials of creating a template. It covers implementing template overrides, the best approaches for implementing Flash and AJAX techniques, as well as advanced enhancements such as creating design parameters so users can have some control over the template via the administration panel. The original 1.0 book covered how to amend an existing 1.0 template before creating one from scratch, the new templating features of Joomla! 1.5 are so logical to implement we move right into creating a full table-less, semantic XHTML/CSS template from scratch.
What you will learn from this book?
- Debug and validate your template code
- Use the W3C’s XHTML and CSS validation tools
- Package up your finished template into a working ZIP file
- Know the standard XHTML markup and CSS classes for Joomla!
- Create Suckerfish drop-down menus
- Get Flash content quickly into your Joomla! site
- Create interactive and dynamic forms in your Joomla! site
- Download and install Joomla! Extensions for your Joomla! site
- Use the wrapper (Wrapper Menu Item) for fully working AJAX applications
This book covers the “how-tos” of creating templates for Joomla! 1.5. There is also advice about what works and what to consider when working with your Joomla! 1.5 template. Because this title is about Joomla! 1.5 templates and not about CSS or semantic XHTML, an understanding of established and current XHTML and CSS techniques for achieving compliant, semantic, and accessible designs is assumed. However, quality references and links are always given so the reader can learn more about any specific CSS or XHTML technique discussed if they are unfamiliar with it.
Who this book is written for?
This book is aimed at web designers who want to create their own unique templates for Joomla! 1.5. Readers should have a basic knowledge of Joomla! 1.5 (Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5 by Hagen Graf from Packt Publishing will help you with this) and also basic knowledge of table-less CSS and XHTML techniques, as well as using Dreamweaver or other text/code editors for coding purposes.
Price: $35.39
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9+ Hours of Video Instruction
Joomla! is a powerful solution for webmasters and developers working with all types of sites. In this one-of-a-kind video package, top Joomla consultant and Prentice Hall author Barrie M. North shows you exactly how to use Joomla! to build sophisticated websites that are incredibly easy to edit and update. You’ll master Joomla! through 13 comprehensive video lessons, and you’ll have your first Joomla! site running faster than you ever expected!
North walks you through every essential skill you’ll need, including installation, administration, site and content organization, template development, content updates, and much more. Just click, watch, and learn the most efficient ways to build dynamic pages, provide intuitive navigation, work with modules and components, and even optimize Joomla! sites for search engines.
You’ll then be able to watch as North builds four complete sites with Joomla!–a school site, a blog, a small business site, and a membership site–with every stage captured on video. You’ll master Joomla! best practices at your own pace, as you learn how to deliver production-quality solutions quickly and efficiently!
Looking for a better way to master today’s rapidly changing technologies? Want expert help, but don’t have the time or energy to read a book? Can’t find classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons: self-paced, personal video instruction from the world’s leading experts.
- LiveLessons are DVD video courses organized into bite-sized, self-contained sessions–you’ll learn key skills in as little as 15 minutes!
- Each session begins with well-defined learning objectives and ends with comprehensive summaries, which help you track your progress.
- Follow along as your instructor shows exactly how to get great results in your real-world environment.
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, XP, or Vista; Mac OS X
- Multimedia: DVD drive, 1280 x 960 or higher display, and sound card with speakers
- Computer: 500MHz or higher, 128MB RAM or more
Lesson 1: Content Management Systems and an Introduction to Joomla! [00:16:11]
Lesson 2: Downloading and Installing Joomla! [00:26:03]
Lesson 3: Joomla! Administration Basics [00:29:58]
Lesson 4: Organizing Your Content [00:37:28]
Lesson 5: Menus and Navigation [00:30:12]
Lesson 6: Extending Joomla! [00:41:32]
Lesson 7: Expanding Your Content: Articles and Editors [00:50:54]
Lesson 8: Getting Traffic to Your Site [00:29:17]
Lesson 9: Creating a Pure CSS Template [01:11:59]
Lesson 10: Creating a School Website [01:34:22]
Lesson 11: Creating a Restaurant Website [00:39:09]
Lesson 12: Creating a Blog Website [00:37:50]
Bonus Lesson 13: Creating a Membership Website [00:51:03]
Price: $48.99
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With several million documented downloads, Joomla! is being deployed worldwide for everything from personal web sites to mission-critical web business applications. Joomla! is the most popular and successful open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and MacOS) content management system in the world, hands down. Written by bestselling Beginning Joomla! author Dan Rahmel, Advanced Joomla! provides you with the technical know-how and bonanza of information that allows you to take your Joomla! sites to the next level.
Advanced Joomla! allows you to study beginning and advanced Joomla! topics back-to-back without requiring any additional outside knowledge. Moreover, it offers you advanced techniques for customizing a Joomla! CMS, including creating templates, administration, and building extensions.
- Integrate advanced Web 2.0 features into you Joomla! site, including social networking, blogging, and Google and Yahoo web services.
- Construct advanced Joomla! templates that use multiple stylesheets; third-party frameworks including MooTools and Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library for interactive display; specialty definitions for mobile users; and more!
- Learn advanced administration, including various site-backup methods, integration of logins with other systems, Joomla! site security, data mining techniques for MySQL information, deployment to a remote server or servers, and adding quality control using automated testing with the free, open source tools such as Apache JMeter and Selenium.
What you’ll learn
Advanced Joomla! assists content providers and web developers in all aspects of Joomla! content creation. For graphic artists and web designers, the professional template techniques and site organization information will prove invaluable. For developers who are weary of the often Byzantine documentation and hunger for clear organized information, Advanced Joomla! holds the key to unlocking the treasures of this advanced CMS system.
- How to use the advanced, additional, or extra Joomla! tools, features, and techniques
- Advanced techniques for Joomla! use and configuration
- How to do advanced template constructions, administration, and development
Who is this book for?
This book is for Joomla! or web developers/users who have read Beginning Joomla!
Advanced Joomla! Is for hobbyists, web designers, web developers, small and medium businesses, e-commerce merchants, and nonprofit organizations. The content of the book targets bloggers, corporate content creators, and support specialists.
Anyone with access to a web-hosting site that allows PHP/MySQL content deployment (which includes GoDaddy.com and SiteGround.com) will be able to deploy a Joomla! site with all of the features shown in the book. Like Beginning Joomla!, this book does not require actual PHP programming experience, although PHP code will be presented and explained.
Price: $31.49
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