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Wordpress Tutorials

Setup E-commerce Using WordPress

Setup E-commerce Using WordPress

This CD contains a 5 video series that will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of setting up your own website or membership site quickly and easily by using wordpress and the tools contained in this awesome CD. This CD contains 109 Bonus WordPress themes you can use on your new blog. Also contains an IPN generator to help you setup your payment links with Paypal.

Price: $24.95

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WordPress Bible

WordPress Bible

WordPress Bible is a comprehensive guide covers WordPress from the basics through advanced application development. Learn how to use custom plugins and themes, retrieve data, maintain security, use social media, and modify your blog without changing any core code. You’ll even get to know the ecosystem of products that surrounds this popular, open-source tool.

  • Enhance your blog’s findability in the search engines and beyond
  • Discover hooks and leverage the WordPress event-driven programming interface
  • Create WordPress widgets in only a few minutes
  • Explore alternate uses of WordPress
  • Enhance your blog with WordPress MU
  • Ensure your plugins maintain future compatibility
  • Create highly customizable and dynamic themes using template tags
  • Learn best security practices as a user and developer

About the Author:

Aaron Brazell is a leading WordPress and social media consultant, with clients ranging from enterprise software companies to small- and medium-sized businesses. He has worked on large-scale WordPress installations from both a technical/scaling perspective to complex deliveries involving extreme leveraging of the software plugin API. He maintains a large business and technology blog in the Washington D.C. area,

Mark Jaquith is one of the lead WordPress core developers and an independent Web services consultant. He has consulted for major clients through his company, Covered Web Services, and is the author of several popular WordPress plugins, including Subscribe to Comments and Page Links To.

Price: $31.49

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WordPress For Dummies

WordPress For Dummies

Bloggers love WordPress! If you’re ready to start using this free blogging software, WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition is just what you and your blog need to make a splash.

Professional blog designer Lisa Sabin-Wilson shows you how to use all the latest upgrades to WordPress and helps you decide whether to use the hosted service or self-host your blog with Whether you’re just venturing into the blogosphere or you want to shift an existing blog to WordPress, WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition will help.

Explore theme development and learn where to find free WordPress themes Extend WordPress through plug-ins, CSS, custom fields, and more Find out about archiving, interacting with readers through comments, tracking back, and handling spam Get the scoop on domain registration, Web hosting providers, basic tools like FTP, and more Create a unique blog theme and presentation by using template tags with CSS Sign up for, log in, set options, and create a profile Install, set up a MySQL database, explore RSS feeds, and organize a blogroll Discover the secrets of creating a blog that draws readers Get tips on wonderful widgets, upgrades, and plugins you can add to make your blog extra cool Learn how to use the Dashboard, manage comments, and make permalinks work with your Web server With WordPress For Dummies, 2nd Edition on hand, it’s easy to make the most of the free software and build a blog that stands out in a crowd.

Price: $16.49

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Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

Smashing WordPress shows you how to utilize the power of the WordPress platform, and provides a creative spark to help you build WordPress-powered sites that go beyond the obvious. You will learn the core concepts used to build just about anything in WordPress, resulting in fast deployments and greater design flexibility.

Inside, WordPress expert Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond the blog and shows you how WordPress can serve as a CMS, a photo gallery, an e-commerce site, and more.

What you will Learn?

  • The Anatomy Of A Wp Install And How WordPress Actually Works
  • How To Build Beautiful WordPress Themes – Including Child Themes
  • How To Create Custom Login Forms And Admin Themes
  • How To Use The Loop To Control Content, And Even Use Alternatives To The Loop
  • How To Integrate Theme Options
  • How To Build Plugins – Including Widget Functionality
  • How To Build Your WordPress Projects For Seo
  • Integrate WordPress With The Social Web
  • How To Create Amazing Navigation
  • How To Use Conditional Control Elements

Price: $29.69

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WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer is a unique lesson-based book that walks you through the essential parts of WordPress. Each lesson is streamlined to teach a specific aspect of WordPress, helping you to focus on just what you need in order to get the task accomplished. If you learn better visually, this book provides you with a video to accompany each lesson.

This book is the perfect guide to:

  • Planning and preparing your site for WordPress
  • Installing WordPress
  • Writing, tagging, and publishing a post
  • Working with the text editor
  • Styling paragraphs and creating lists
  • Working with media files
  • Linking, aligning, and sizing an image
  • Working with image galleries
  • Adding video and audio
  • Naming, scheduling, and managing posts
  • Making your site stand out
  • Helping others connect to your site
  • Becoming search engine friendly
  • Optimizing your site
  • Backing up your site
  • Installing and activating plugins

Price: $29.69

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Note: All the templates and extensions listed in this site are from their respective developers and all support requests should be sent directly to the developers. We do not provide support for any of the templates or extensions listed in this site. We just make some revenue if you purchase any of the product through the link from our site.